How to Make Collisions with NetCode in DOTS AR

This will take you about 20 minutes in prep time if you don't have Unity set-up, and 30 minutes in coding and debug time.

Click Here for DOTS Tutorial

Stop struggling with the limited documentation. Follow this step-by-step tutorial: "How to Make Collisions with NetCode in DOTS AR."

Full workflows and code to destroy bullet prefabs and make collisions in NetCode

Click Here for DOTS Tutorial

This gitbook takes you through step-by-step full workflows and code to destroy bullet prefabs and make collisions in NetCode. Once you've coded along and fully finished the "How To Make Collisions with NetCode" tutorial, you will be able to destroy bullet prefabs and make collisions in NetCode.

Click Here for DOTS Tutorial

High-Level steps to Make Collisions with NetCode:

Number 01

Add a GhostAuthoringComponent on the bullet prefab

Number 02

change implementation of rate limiting from client side to server side

Number 03

Create a new input system that responds to Commands that have to do with spawning


What is Netcode in DOTS AR?

Unity's DOTS NetCode is a dedicated server with client prediction networking model. Overview of Unity's decision to move to this type of network architecture, "Navigating Unity's multiplayer Netcode transition":

What is the Server World and the Client World in DOTS AR?

NetCode has a separation of client and server logic, and both the client and server logic are in separate Worlds (the client World, and the server World), based on the hierarchical update system of Unity’s Entity Component System (ECS). In Unity's authoritative server client-predicted network architecture, the server is the authoritative source of the game. So if the client "predicts" a response to an input and the server disagrees, the server wins.

What are Ghost entities in DOTS AR?

"Ghost" is the Unity term for entities whose state the server sends to the client (a networked object). The server keeps track of all Ghosts and then sends "snapshots" of their Component's "Ghost Fields". In Moetsi's sample project, Players, asteroid entities, and bullet entities will all be ghosts. Their state will be sent by the server to the clients by what unity calls "snapshots". Once the clients receive the snapshots the asteroids entities will have their state updated.

Haven’t begun learning Unity DOTS yet, and need to start at the very beginning?

If you haven't yet dipped your toes into learning Unity's new multithreaded Data-Oriented Technology Stack (DOTS), now is the time. You can start at the very beginning with Moetsi’s tutorial, which culminates in your very own deployable sample project. You’ll be guided by full workflows, code-alongs, videos, and GIFs along the way.

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